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Posts tagged as “energy”

NREL Report Shows 1000 Times More Solar Power in South Dakota Than We Need

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has released an analysis of how much renewable energy we could produce in each state if we really tried. According to the data, the U.S. could generate over 450,000 terawatt-hours of renewable electricity. Compare that…

U.S. Lags U.K., France, China in Energy Efficiency

Heartland Consumer Power District honcho Mike McDowell, who blogs mostly to tout his own organization and rub environmentalists noses in the dirt, notes that the United States stinks at energy efficiency. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy finds that…

Daugaard Describes Energy-Efficient House: Conservation for Conservatives!

David Montgomery tracks down this video of Governor Dennis Daugaard talking about his super energy-efficient house. The clip comes from the Governor's address to the South Dakota Rural Electric Association's 2011 annual meeting. Inspired by President Jimmy Carter's call for…

Oil Notes: No Current Supply Crisis, But Oil Still Finite

Mike McDowell can't write his way out of a paper bag, but I appreciate his sharing this graph (though not the link thereto—bad blogger!) from BusinessWeek that shows why we don't need to drill, baby, drill... or that maybe we…

North America Heading for Energy Independence; Keystone XL Serves China

The State Department's report to Congress on its decision to deny TransCanada its permit for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline makes clear that nixing this pipeline now "is unlikely to have a substantial impact on U.S. employment, economic activity,…

Leading SD Greenhouse Gas Emitters: Power, Ethanol, Cement, Gravel

Whoo-hoo! The EPA offers a new searchable map of greenhouse gas emissions from big facilities across the nation. Now you can track down who in your county is heating the planet... and tell them to switch those emissions back on…