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Posts tagged as “fear”

Woster Joins Mercer in Anti-Keystone XL/Powertech Terrorist Fearmongering

Remember how South Dakota public safety officials unapologetically labelled opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline and Powertech uranium mining projects terrorists out to kill your children? Kevin Woster jumps on the Bob Mercer bandwagon and says we had it coming:…

Kristie Fiegen for PUC: Look Out! Crazy Obama’s Coming for Your Phone!

Speaking of hyperbolic fearmongering, check out Kristie Fiegen's latest fundraising letter: Barack Obama is coming for your guns and your phones. Right. Our least experienced Public Utilities Commissioner apparently prefers to run against that man in the White House than…

John Dean: Tea “Party” Irrational Brownshirt Xenophobes

My blog neighbor Doug Wiken is right: everyone should read John Dean's diagnosis of the Tea "Party". Dean concludes that "Tea Party" is just a label for an amalgamation of long-standing conservative groups orchestrated by big corporate money that wants…