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Kristie Fiegen for PUC: Look Out! Crazy Obama’s Coming for Your Phone!

Last updated on 2012.08.10

Speaking of hyperbolic fearmongering, check out Kristie Fiegen's latest fundraising letter:

Barack Obama is coming for your guns and your phones. Right.

Our least experienced Public Utilities Commissioner apparently prefers to run against that man in the White House than for the office she's actually holding. Fiegen can't cite any specific positive actions she's taken on the PUC, so she baselessly dismisses challenger Matt McGovern as a mindless drone who will "carry out the marching orders" from President Obama to impose "crazy new regulations."

Ah, irrational fear, the touchstone of contemporary GOP politics. Kristie Fiegen may not know public utilities from a hole in the ground, but she's got campaigning like a Republican down pat.

Update Aug. 9, 2012, 06:50 CDT: Fiegen ignores reality: federal rule-making under President Obama so far has proceeded at a slower pace than it did during the first three years under President George W. Bush.

Update Aug. 10 07:15 CDT: More irrational fear afoot: Fran Hill writes a fun column in South Dakota Magazine about zucchini.


  1. Jack Anderson 2012.08.08

    It's not as if the Republicans exactly have the market cornered on the use of fear-mongering in their campaigns.

    Just as a reminder, here's an example of fear-mongering from the Clinton campaign that ran in the 2008 democrat primary:

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.08

    Right, Jack. And who won that primary? And what was the winner's one-word slogan?

  3. Dougal 2012.08.08

    Republicans have had the fear mongering down to a fine art along with the racist card. Democrats, choosing not to unilaterally disarm, are still learning how to play the fear card. Their problem is the expectations from the press and public are higher for the Democrats since it is a forgone conclusion the GOP starts their campaigns in the mud and get worse.

  4. mike 2012.08.09

    Hey her campaign advisor is Dusty Johnson. What else can we expect?

  5. mike 2012.08.09

    I wonder how long it will take Dusty and Daugaard to distance themselves from their selection for PUC? My guess is not very long.

  6. Justin 2012.08.09

    What do you expect? She used to be a sales rep for Monsanto.

    We all know Roundup is the perfect additive to keep algae from growing in our pipes.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.09

    Justin, you're right! Not that I needed any other reasons to vote for Nick Nemec, but that's a kicker!

  8. Allison 2012.08.11

    Hey Cory, how about a fact check. Fiegen is running against McGovern NOT Nemec...hard to claim to be a "political know it all" when you don't web know who the woman is rubbing against!
    Good try though...

  9. larry kurtz 2012.08.11

    ROTFL! Fiegen apparently rubbing against reality.

  10. Barry Smith 2012.08.11

    Too funny Allison - My fingers rub against the wrong keys sometimes too. So don't feel bad-- Good try though.....

  11. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.11

    Doh! Thanks, Allison. I need to pay attention to my own blog posts. Fiegen vs. McGovern, Nelson vs. Nemec. The Ns go together!

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