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Posts tagged as “First Amendment”

Pennington County Bans Sex Offender Turned Petition Pimp from Courthouse

In 1986, Dallas R. Krausch was convicted of sexual contact with a twelve-year-old female. For this heinous crime, Krausch now lives with the following restrictions on his liberty: His name, photograph, and address are listed on the state sex offender…

BHSU Athletic Director Breaching Church-State Separation?

I read in the Rapid City Journal that Black Hills State University is hosting a Fields of Faith event on October 12. Fields of Faith is a nationwide event affiliated with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a generally decent group…

Madville Times Comment Nymity: Empowering or Overpowering?

Regular readers know how I feel about anonymity in blog comment sections. I have tried to foster a community in which individuals recognize they should not fear putting their names to their public exercise of their First Amendment rights. That's…

Reasons You Should Cut Up Your Premier Bankcard

As if charging people 79.9% interest isn't a strong enough signal to stay away from a company, here are a few more reasons to cut up your Premier Bankcard credit cards: Premier Bankcard fired 330 people in Spearfish. Instead of…

Noem Picnics in Huron Sunday: Protest, Anyone?

Curtis Loesch of Huron wants everyone to know that Rep. Kristi Noem will be speaking at the Beadle County Republicans' Flag Day picnic in Huron this weekend. The Congresswoman still hasn't figured out how to update her official Events page…