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Posts tagged as “government”

GOP Threatening Lewis and Clark, Local Control

And there was wailing and gnashing of dry teeth.... The Madison Daily Leader reports that the failure of the omnibus spending bill in Congress means more uncertainty for the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System. Remember, the GOP didn't want…

Health Care Reform Will Save South Dakota Budget… in 2014

South Dakota's budget crunch is coming in part because of increased enrollment and costs in Medicaid. It's funny, then, that South Dakota is trying to block one way to fix that fiscal problem: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.…

Adelstein: Powers Not Fit for Sec. State Flunky

Senator Adelstein gets double attention this morning. On Mount Blogmore, the Rapid City Republican raises some grave concerns about the patronage that has killed Dakota War College and elevated Pat Powers to director of operations for the Secretary of State.…

Snowgates Demonstrate Practical Wisdom of Public Services

Mr. Ehrisman's passionate advocacy of snowgates and our weekend winter wonderland got me wondering why Madison's public works department doesn't use snowgates. My dad, a font of local wisdom, tells me that Madison once upon a time did install snowgates.…

Live-Blog! Governor Rounds’s Last (Thank Goodness) Budget Address

Governor M. Michael Rounds is in the State Capitol and on SDPB right now telling us how he'd screw education if he were around for another term. Here's my live-blog (hit Refresh/Ctrl+R/F5 for updates!): Actually, Dennis Daugaard gets to lead…

Daugaard Cuts 10% from Honcho Pay, Including Own!

Governor-Elect Dennis Daugaard is leading by example: he announced yesterday that he will cut his own pay ten percent when he takes office next month. He plans to impose the same cut on the top earners on his staff and…

South Dakota, the Welfare State: Chapter 847

Say it again, kids: South Dakota loves federal money. South Dakota lives on federal money. The new Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership building will be built on Uncle Sam's dime. Madison's city fathers cheerfully announced a $290K handout from the federal…

Uncle Sam to Spend Millions on Madison Airport

Last year our man Hunter criticized the spending of $4.1 million in federal stimulus dollars to build an airport on the Rosebud Indian Reservation. That airport was built to provide emergency air travel and economic opportunity for 20,000 underserved South…