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Posts tagged as “health insurance”

South Dakota Giving Up Advantages of State-Run Health Insurance Exchange

South Dakota conservatives were pleased when Governor Dennis Daugaard decided he would keep his hands clean of one element of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and let the federal government run the health insurance exchange requires every state…

Barrick Gold Abandons Retiree Health Plan

Barrick Gold says it is the largest gold producer in the world. Thanks to record high gold prices, Barrick claimed $4.7 billion in adjusted net earnings in 2011, which it calls "record financial results." Barrick increased its quarterly dividend by…

Biden on Ryan VoucherCare: We Can Do Better for Mom

Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan wants to turn Medicare into a private voucher program. Kristi Noem has supported Ryan's Medicare privatization since 2010, even though she'll deny the facts of the plan to your face. Vice President Joe Biden says…

Seasonal Fire Crews Fight for Federal Health Insurance

Firefighters know the importance of working together and protecting each other. That's part of why South Dakota firefighter John Lauer of the Tatanka Hotshots, based in Custer, started a petition to get Uncle Sam to offer federal health insurance to…

PPACA Affirmed: President Obama Explains Why You Won Today

Yes, you, my fellow Americans. From the White House: The transcript (with the lines I really like in bold): Good afternoon. Earlier today, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act -- the name of the health…

Jeff Barth Says the Magic Words: Single-Payer

Yeah, yeah, U.S. House candidate Jeff Barth can make a good campaign video. But here's a signal to us Wellstone-Kucinich-McGovern Democrats that Barth can make good policy on health care. On SDPB's South Dakota Focus last Thursday, Jeff Barth and…

Covering Contraception Cuts Costs for Business and Government

Rep. Kristi Noem and her fellow Republicans want to cut 19 million people from Medicaid. Taking care of our neighbors (at least the ones who don't give big campaign contributions) evidently costs too much for the richest nation in the…