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Posts tagged as “health insurance”

Romney Nomination Will Boost ObamaCare

I'm banking on Mitt Romney winning the GOP nomination, as are most of the bettors at Intrade (Romney's chances this morning: 76.6%). Mealy-mouthed elitist corporate tool that he is, Romney is the only sane one left on the right, and…

Daugaard Rolls Dice on Abortion Laws, Not Health Insurance Exchanges

Consider this: Governor Dennis Daugaard is willing to sign into law abortion restrictions that face clear and predictable constitutional challenges. He will wager over a million tax dollars on litigation to see if maybe he can get the right lawyers…

ObamaCare Insures 2.5 Million More Young Adults

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has delivered more positive results. Nine months after enactment of the PPACA provision allowing young people to stay on their parents' insurance coverage until age 26, the percentage of adults age 19 to…

Medical Loss Ratio Paves Way for Single Payer? Let’s Hope So!

Mr. President, did you pull a switcheroo? Did you take single-payer off the table just to hand it to me under the table? Rick Ungar thinks so. He says the medical loss ratio provision of the Affordable Care and Patient…

“Americans Elect” Rolling Survey Results: Adapt, Raise Taxes…

...with a helping of government health insurance and isolationism! A column in the Los Angeles Times gets me interested in Americans Elect, a new effort to conduct a nationwide online primary to nominate a Presidential candidate to challenge the Republican…

Medicaid Good for Poor Folks, Hospitals, Doctors

Medicaid works. New research says just how well. In what is being called a "landmark" study, Harvard prof Katherine Baicker, MIT prof Amy Finkelstein, and a whole bunch of other smart people look at the effects of a unique Medicaid…

Health Care Reform Improves South Dakota Benefits

The South Dakota Division of Insurance has politely announced expanded health insurance coverage for young people and folks with pre-existing conditions: ...[A]nyone under age 19 is eligible for health insurance regardless of their health condition during an open enrollment period…

Hope! Vermont Pushing State Single-Payer Health Insurance!

Republicans are cooing over Rep. Paul Ryan's "budget," a utterly unserious plan based on flim-flam math that doubles the national debt while hammering low-income folks and destroys Medicare and Medicaid. (As an afterthought, the Ryan plan also puts Kristi Noem…