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Posts tagged as “immigration”

Stace Nelson Tackles Employers Who Hire Illegal Immigrants

Rep. Stace Nelson (R-19/Fulton) has been remarkably quiet during this Legislative session. No outbursts, no seating chart troubles, no rumblings of moves by the GOP leadership to expel the pugnacious Marine from the House chamber... come on, Stace! We bloggers…

Mexican Illegal Immigration Down 15% Since 2007

Mr. Sohl highlights the distastefulness of Republican efforts to stoke our fear of the other to win elections. He also notes new data that shows that Republican freak-outs over illegal immigration may not provide a winning issue against President Obama.…

The Minor Revenge of Representative Stace Nelson

Just the fact that Rep. Stace Nelson (R-25/Fulton) still has "Rep." in front of his name could be considered a minor victory for the massive, much-maligned Marine from Fulton. The GOP leadership stripped Rep. Nelson of his seat on the…

Daugaard Dairy Focus Alienates West River, Employs Illegal Immigrants

Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to push the big dairy industry along the I-29 corridor. In Pierre's constant focus on pouring state and foreign money into East River dairies (quite the government intrusion in the free market, don't you think?), Rep.…