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Posts tagged as “insurance”

Santorum Beats up Romney on Health Care Mandate

In the GOP debate in Jacksonville, Florida, Rick Santorum beat the snot out of Mitt Romney on one of the biggest policy issues fueling the persistent if frustrated Not-Romney vote: health care. Pressed by Santorum, Romney made clear that if…

ObamaCare Now 3-1 in Appeals Court; Reagan Appointee Affirms

It must hurt to be Tea Party right now. Just a couple months old, the Occupy Wall Street movement is steering public discourse at least as effectively as the Tea Party did in its nascent months. (Quick Google check: "Occupy…

Noem: Don’t Cut My Subsidies!

In defense of her preferred form of income, Congresswoman Kristi Noem serves up the biggest slice of hypocrisy pie I've heard all month: America's farmers and ranchers would take too big of a hit in President Obama's proposed deficit-cutting plan…

Crop Insurance Harms Conservation, Pads Farmers’ and Agents’ Pockets

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack will be on SDPB's Dakota Midday today (so will State Senator Angie Buhl! Go Angie!). Perhaps Paul Guggenheimer or some eager caller can ask Secretary Vilsack what cuts he would support to federally subsidized crop…

South Dakotans Still Dependent on Oil

The Natural Resources Defense Council has released its latest report on states' dependence on oil. The data for South Dakota look discouraging: In 2010, South Dakotans spent 5.26% of their income, $2044 per driver, on gasoline. That's up from our…

Noem Defends Family Crop Insurance Cash Cow

Congresswoman Kristi Noem is determined to use the power we gave her to protect her family's financial interests: Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., told reporters Thursday she's considering a cap on direct payments as well and, like Thune and Johnson, is…