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Posts tagged as “insurance”

ObamaCare Funding Benefits Uninsured South Dakotans

South Dakota's implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act proceeds apace. Rep. Kathy Tyler (D-4/Big Stone City) notes one more way that President Obama's health care reform act is helping South Dakotans: A few weeks ago, a desperate…

Farm Bill Brewing, Requires Rational Revision for Rural Interests

While Congresswoman Kristi Noem raises money for the 2014 campaign that she says she's not thinking about, the real leaders in Washington are working on the Farm Bill. USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack got the House and Senate Ag committee leaders…

Help Your Neighbors: Keep Affordable Care Act Alive, Vote Obama

A friend of mine is looking for health insurance. He got laid off (these things happen) and thus lost his employer-based health plan. He has a pre-existing condition. He's been turned down by Sanford, which needs to save its money…

Insurance Protecting Madison from Vigorous Arts Council

Madison Area Arts Council president Chris Francis announces that Saturday's hip-hop show (yes, hip-hop) at the Brickhouse will be the last Madison Area Arts Council show for a while... and maybe ever. Who's killing the arts council? The insurance company:…

Just How Republican Is Insurance, Mike Rounds?

M. Michael Rounds has released his first batch of T.V. campai—er, insurance advertisements for the 2014 Senate race. Here's one featuring The Dunes golf course owner Cullan Deis: Fischer, Rounds & Associates: Socializing risk for rich people who build in…

Foreign Insurers Make Billions Managing U.S. Crop Insurance

Rep. Kristi Noem isn't the only person making lots of money on federally subsidized crop insurance. Also profiting at Kristi's preferred trough are several foreign insurance companies: Twenty insurance companies in Bermuda, Japan, Switzerland, Australia, Canada and the U.S. were…