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Posts tagged as “Internet”

Yankton Opt-Out Proponents Campaign Online

Not everyone in Yankton is as ignorant of the state constitution and the value of free public education as former legislator Charlii Gilson. A number of Gilson's Yankton neighbors are collaborating on a website to promote a Yes vote in…

Livermont Hitting Road to Write Sustainable Dakota Digest

I think heroic deeds were all conceiv'd in the open air, and all free poems also.... —Walt Whitman, "Song of the Open Road" Is this Schumpeter's creative destruction at work? SDSU told over a hundred people they no longer have…

Technical Difficulties… and New Poll! Pick Your School Board!

Dear friends and neighbors, I apologize for my multimedia failure. I have just over a gigabyte of video from Tuesday's candidates' forum here in Madison that I desperately want to post for your civic education and entertainment. Last week I…

Watertown Newspaper Advocates Stone Tablets

Local newspapers dread the prospect of allowing school boards, county commissions, and other public entities to post their official notices and meeting minutes online. The Madison Daily Leader makes a few dollars every time it posts the occasional election announcement…

Project Maps Community Broadband Networks

The Institute for Local Self-Reliance (there's a group Governor Daugaard should read up on!) has mapped community-owned broadband networks across the country: South Dakota gets two markers on the map: Municipal Telephone and Cablevision in Beresford and Swiftel in South…

Economic Development Strategy: Support Telework

Mike Knutson at Reimagine Rural gets me thinking again (that's his job!). Knutson suggests that rural communities should take deliberate steps to support telework. He points to an MPR report that describes how rural Minnesotans are using the Internet to…

New Poll: Pick Your Madison City Commissioners!

Vote now in the latest Madville Times poll: "Who should be the next two Madison City Commissioners?" Your choices for the two available seats: one-term incumbents Dick Ericsson and Scott Delzer and challenger Roger Husman. Click your picks here in…

Pew Survey: Transparency Matters, Broadband Boosts Beefs

The Pew Internet and American Life Project some new studies out. "How the Public Perceives Community Information Systems" looks at how Americans feel about their ability to get and use information about their communities from their local governments and media.…