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Posts tagged as “Jeffrey Sveen”

Hey, Mike Rounds! Lift Embargo So Sveen Can Sell Turkey in Cuba!

Expect Rep. Kristi Noem and Senator John Thune to join the mostly Republican and entirely hypocritical bluster against President Barack Obama's historic declaration that it's time to normalize U.S. relations with Cuba. Senator-Elect Mike Rounds might go there, too, but…

Turkey Money, Rounds, Sveen, EB-5—We’re All Friends Here

Pat Powers notices that Mike Rounds got campaign money from TURPAC, the National Turkey Federation PAC. $5,000, according to Open Secrets, the fourth-highest amount TURPAC gave to any of its favored seventeen Senate candidates. Rep. Kristi Noem got $2,500 in…

Bollen Brush-Off Less Than Truthful: State Audit Did Not Clear SDRC Inc.

In the brush-off to the Legislature's Government Operations and Audit Committee that he pens for former state employee and EB-5 profiteer Joop Bollen, lawyer Jeffrey T. Sveen makes this claim about Bollen's EB-5 management company: SDRC, Inc. has previously provided…

Bollen and Sveen to GOAC and South Dakota: I’m King, F*** You

The arrogance continues. Joop Bollen wants to hide his activities as a state employee behind the façade of his private corporation, yet he demands the same deference as the highest state employee in South Dakota. On August 21, 2014, Senator…

Perp Walk for Bollen: Where’s Our Bank Franchise Tax on EB-5 Loans?

Remember how they nailed Al Capone? One of the trickiest parts the EB-5/Northern Beef Packers/Governor's Office of Economic Development scandal is figuring out whether anyone broke the law. We've gotten mixed signals from the Governor and the Attorney General about…

Tea Party Blog Takes a Swing at Rounds on EB-5

Multiple eager readers have forwarded me this article by Paul Shannon of the Tea Party Tribune, who promises a multi-article exposĂ© of M. Michael Rounds's incompetence or complicity with respect to the GOED/EB-5 scandal. Shannon launches his series by grasping…