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Posts tagged as “Joe Biden”

Biden Debates Ryan: The October Surprise?

Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan debate the future of the Republic in just a few minutes. I'll be watching and snarking a bit on Twitter; I welcome your kibbitzing as well! The three things I'd get a…

Biden on Ryan VoucherCare: We Can Do Better for Mom

Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan wants to turn Medicare into a private voucher program. Kristi Noem has supported Ryan's Medicare privatization since 2010, even though she'll deny the facts of the plan to your face. Vice President Joe Biden says…

VP Biden Rocks NAACP, Holder Calls Voter ID Laws Poll Taxes

The NAACP booed Mitt Romney Wednesday for telling them he'd repeal ObamaCare. He probably wanted them to boo. Yesterday the NAACP booed Vice President Joe Biden... for finishing his speech. Of course, when the Vice President of the United States…