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Posts tagged as “Joe Lowe”

Lowe Criticizes GOP Regime on Medicaid, Education, EB-5, Business

Joe Lowe has one more day to campaign unchallenged before Sue Wismer shoves the last tax return from her Britton desk and launches her campaign juggernaut campaign for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. How's Lowe spending that precious time? Traveling to…

Lowe: Medicaid Expansion Saves Counties Money on Indigent Care

Jumping to the gubernatorial contest, Democratic candidate Joe Lowe endorses one very specific policy: expand Medicaid! A former mayor of Mission Viejo, a community of 100,000 people in southern California, Lowe is critical of the current administration’s failure to expand…

Dems Crazy for Wismer or Lowe? Find out Saturday in Brookings!

John Tsitrian suggests that the South Dakota Democratic Party is crazy. That charge is dog-bites-man... but Tsitrian provokes a lively conversation by diagnosing craziness specifically in the party's apparent endorsement of Susan Wismer over Joe Lowe for governor. Tsitrian contends…

GOP Blog to Joe Lowe on Flood Levies: “You Didn’t Build That!”, actually... Democratic candidate Joe Lowe has released a video summarizing his leadership experience (hey: is Susan Wismer on YouTube yet?). His top three points are reasonably impressive: mayor of a city of a hundred thousand, first state fire chief…

Rasmussen Deems Lowe Likely Democratic Challenger; What About Wismer?

Democrats trailing Republicans in South Dakota? That's not news. Rounds over Weiland, says Rasmussen Reports, and Daugaard over Lowe? No sh... Wait a minute. Daugaard over Lowe? What about Wismer? Rasmussen doesn't mention Wismer, but its gubernatorial report includes one…