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Posts tagged as “John Boehner”

Noem and Boehner Plan Minnehaha Country Club Breakfast August 18

Hey, South Dakota conservatives! Unhappy with Congresswoman Kristi Noem and her boss, Speaker John Boehner, over the really rotten and arguably unconstitutional debt deal they rushed through Congress this week? Here's your chance to give both Noem and Boehner a…

Kristi Noem: Center-Left Pelosi Chum? provides an interesting graphic depicting the relative left-right ideology and legislative leadership. Their page on Congresswoman Kristi Noem plots her thus: Blue marks are House Democrats; red marks are House Republicans. Farther up means higher leadership. Left is left,…

Tea Party Torqued at Noem, Boehner, GOP Wienies

I feel like Emperor Palpatine watching Luke Teawalker kick the crap out of Darth Boehner. Good—I can feel your anger.... Or maybe I'm channeling the Koch brothers.... I have read U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem's justification for not doing what she…