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Posts tagged as “John Thune”

Heidelberger Takes Dakota Rural Action Message to Senate

A number of folks have asked just what the heck I was doing in Washington, D.C. last week. Besides taking fun pictures for my little one, I was actually politicking. Dakota Rural Action sent me out to attend the White…

Ethanol Lobby Blinks, Backs $2.5-Billion Subsidy Reduction

Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma wants to eliminate the ethanol blenders credit. That's the 45 cents per gallon we give refiners to mix ethanol in their gasoline. Coburn also wants to end the 54-cent tariff on imported ethanol, which we…

Nesselhuf: Thune Protects Big Oil Subsidies He Once Called Unnecessary

I don't like to reprint too many press releases from my party chair; I worry such reprints would make me sound too much like a certain past prominent party-propaganda-parroting blogger. (Besides, my chances of getting a nice patronage job for…

Johnson Right on Ending Big Oil Subsidies; Thune Supports Exxon Welfare

Senator Tim Johnson sees an easy way to shave another $4 billion a year off the federal budget: stop subsidizing the richest oil companies: "High-priced oil threatens both our energy and economic security. We have a homegrown solution — ethanol,"…

Thune Joins Noem for Hypocrisy on NLRB Challenge to SD Law

Senator John Thune and Intern Kristi Noem have issued a joint press release blasting the National Labor Relations Board for challenging South Dakota's initiated constitutional amendment (Amendment K on last year's ballot) requiring secret ballots for all union elections. The…

Thune Third Best in GOP Presidential Field…

...too bad four out of five people don't know him yet. Respected number-cruncher Nate Silver runs some numbers that finally put South Dakota Senator John Thune within sight of the top of the Republican Presidential heap for 2012. Silver compares…

Sunday Potpourri: Daugaard’s Recession, Noem’s Hair…

Even my lovely wife says I have too many tabs open on my browser (current count: 19). Time to clear the queue! Here's the South Dakota news I'm reading about: David Chicoine, president of my noble alma mater South Dakota…

Thune Forgets Own Obstructionist Addiction to Cheap Oil

Does anyone else hear Senator John Thune's cognitive dissonance on energy policy? Check out his comments in this Thursday interview with SDPB: If oil prices go up to $100 a barrel, or worse yet $150 a barrel, and you see…