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Posts tagged as “John Thune”

Booker Deems Thune Most Buff Senator

Posting selfies is not necessarily narcissism. For New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, it's just a fun project to collect photos of himself with every one of his colleagues... and perhaps a way to build cross-partisan comity, just like other social…

Impeachment Target Rejects South Dakota’s Request for FEMA Money

In our discussion of the various Obama outhouses, one of my commenters suggested that the next time Governor Dennis Daugaard and impeach-happy South Dakota Republicans came asking for disaster assistance, the President should respond, "'And how many outhouses would you…

Noem, Thune Support Precedent for Returning Black Hills to Indians

Rep. Kristi Noem, Senator John Thune, and celebrate the passage of the Black Hills Cemetery Act, which transfers ownership of nine Black Hills cemeteries to local communities: I am thrilled to see the U.S. Senate take up this important legislation…

Thune Helps Nix Warren Student Loan Refinancing Plan, Flogs ACA

Senator John Thune had a chance to help university graduates and stimulate the economy yesterday. He had a chance to vote for Senator Elizabeth Warren's plan to refinance millions of student loans at lower rates. Democratic Senate candidate Rick Weiland…

Thune, Noem Fight Pine Beetle, Ignore Climate Change

When it comes to climate change, Republicans are like our drunk uncle: he won't admit he has a drinking problem, but he sure likes us to spend our money bailing him out when his drinking wraps his car around a…

Daugaard, Noem, Johnson, Thune Complicit in EB-5 Wind Farm Scheme

Jonathan Ellis has a treasure trove of documents from the U.S. Customs and Immigrations Service exposing the corruption in South Dakota's EB-5 visa investment program. Last week Ellis found the connection between EB-5 and Keystone XL. Yesterday, Ellis revealed similar…