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Posts tagged as “John Tsitrian”

Pressler Sees Good South Dakota Blogs as Centrist Force

A couple of friends have noted that, over the Monday noon hour, Larry Pressler may have said the funniest thing uttered this month on South Dakota Public Broadcasting. The former Senator and unsuccessful 2014 Independent candidate for Senate was chatting…

Tsitrian Maps Dem Route to GOP Votes on Wages, Medicaid, and Public Lands

John Tsitrian writes the most interesting Republican blog in South Dakota. Instead of recycling the handouts from party uppity-ups, Tsitrian provides original content, the kind of home-grown research and analysis that makes the South Dakota Blogosphere worth reading and discussing.…

Rapid City Republican Hosts Corinna Robinson House Party Friday

Rapid City businessman John Tsitrian offers West River readers what could be Friday's most interesting house—or may I capitalize?—House party. The Republican blogger invites interested citizens to his humble Rapid City abode this Friday, March 14, 7 to 9 p.m.…