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Posts tagged as “Joop Bollen”

Nov. 2010 Agreement Required NBP to Buy Epoch Star

The firms contracted by the state to review the Governor's Office of Economic Development's operations won't be looking at the agreements between SDRC, Inc., and Northern Beef Packers. Governor Daugaard insists that SDRC and its subsidiary loan partnerships, the legal…

Going Dutch: Bollen Incorporated Four Nethercorps on Same Date

Joop Bollen, the director of South Dakota's now-scrutinized EB-5 visa investment program, has a proclivity for murky incorporation. Bollen formed separate legal entities to handle each of the EB-5 loan pools that his state-contracted firm solicited for South Dakota businesses.…

Board of Regents Ran SDIBI/EB-5 on Fire-and-Forget Mode

A fellow researcher asked the South Dakota Board of Regents for documents relating to the creation of the South Dakota International Business Institute, the entity that ran South Dakota's suspect EB-5 program as an administrative unit of Northern State University…

State Low-Balled Bollen’s SDRC Salary to Avoid No-Bid Contract Law?

When Joop Bollen took South Dakota's EB-5 visa investment program shadily private in 2009, he took what looks like a pay cut. When Bollen ran the program under the South Dakota International Business Institute on the Northern State University campus,…

EB-5: Bollen and Sveen Selling Securities Without SEC Registration?

What might we find if Rep. Kathy Tyler (D-4/Big Stone City) succeeds in her push to convene a special session and order a forensic audit of the Governor's Office of Economic Development and South Dakota's EB-5 visa investment program? How…

Bollen, 2007, on EB-5: Who Cares about Ethics?

Today's quote from the Wayback Machine comes from Sioux Falls reporter Peter Harriman, who in 2008 tagged a quote from South Dakota's EB-5 coordinator Joop Bollen with this uncomfortable heading: Bollen leaves ethical considerations to others. "The U.S. federal government…

State Loses $550K to GOED-SDRC Scam… and Shrugs?

This weekend's required reading is Bob Mercer's reporting on the results of Attorney General Marty Jackley's investigations of Richard Benda's suspicious death (officially declared suicide) financial misconduct in the Governor's Office of Economic Development, Northern Beef Packers, and SDRC, the…