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Posts tagged as “Joop Bollen”

Bollen Runs De Facto Bank on EB-5 Money — License? Bank Franchise Tax?

Bob Mercer puzzles through the deliberately dizzying financials of the EB-5 visa investment program that Joop Bollen privately and secretively administered through SDRC Inc. for the Governor's Office of Economic Development until Governor Dennis Daugaard canceled his lucrative state contract…

NSU to Legislature in 2008: EB-5 Investors Only Want Big Projects

Chairman Gant and Legislature Missed Opportunity for Strong Oversight My friend Scott Meyer asked in a provocative column last weekend why then-Governor Mike Rounds and current Governor Dennis Daugaard chose to focus South Dakota's EB-5 visa investor program on huge…

Rounds Signed Off on Unchecked EB-5 Authority for Pal Bollen

Marion Michael Rounds says he didn't read the contract, but David Montgomery writes that Rounds signed off on the plan to turn South Dakota's EB-5 visa investor program over to an insufficiently supervised private operator Joop Bollen: Then-Gov. Mike Rounds…

Bollen: Sure, I’ll Answer Your Questions, If You Pay for My Lawyer

While Pat Powers shouts with capital letters to distract us from his embarrasing silence on the GOED/SDRC/EB-5/Benda/Rounds investigations, I'm reading various documents relating to the case. Among them is a perhaps trivial remark that speaks volumes about the attitude of…

GOED Took Control of SDRC Bank Accounts in August 2012

What did they know and when did they know it? In the investigations of financial misconduct in the Governor's Office of Economic Development, we don't know much about the answer to the first question. Indications are that the feds are…