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Posts tagged as “Keystone XL”

Bollen and Benda’s EB-5/Keystone XL Connection: Pure Greed

I had a long drive yesterday, with plenty of time to think about Joop Bollen, Richard Benda, and their scheme to get rich funneling EB-5 money to TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline. But it only took me about ten minutes out…

Mercer: Restored State Rail Could Connect Chamberlain to Keystone XL

And in other crazily connecting Keystone XL news, Bob Mercer suggests we could see President Obama's latest delay on approving TransCanada's tar sands oil pipeline open the door to an oil-train deal that could enrich Mike Rounds's friends. On very…

Bollen, Benda Saw Keystone XL as EB-5 Money Pipeline

The GOED/EB-5/Benda scandal has connections to Northern Beef Packers, mega-dairies, Hutterites, Hyperion, the Philippines, and Mike Rounds. Now we add Keystone XL. Jonathan Ellis fills our Easter baskets with the revelation that Rounds pals Joop Bollen and Richard Benda were…

Big Oil Blocking Big Ag from Rail; Keystone XL as Solution?

The South Dakota Corn Growers say that Big Oil has "hijacked" the railroads and is cutting into farmers' ability to ship their harvest and access fertilizer: Dennis Jones, a farmer near Aberdeen, S.D., and co-founder of the South Dakota Corn…

EB-5 Bargain Brings Chinese to Save West River from Keystone XL?

CNN reports what we South Dakotans know from experience: Chinese investors love the EB-5 visa investment program. According to yesterday's report, Chinese immigrants took almost 6,900 EB-5 visas in 2013, 81% of the total issued. Compare that with the 16…

Guest Column: The CIA, the Black Snake, and the Last Man Standing

Remember Rebecca Rodriguez? She was one of Harding County rancher Bret Clanton's interesting house guests last year. Rodriguez was walking TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline route from Port Arthur, Texas, to Hardisty, Alberta, for her documentary project, This Land Was Your…

Weiland Opposes Keystone XL

Rick Weiland makes clear he's my kind of Democrat. In a March 10 interview with Tasiyagnunpa Livermont on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, Weiland says that, polls be darned, he opposes the Keystone XL pipeline: Weiland says proponents are exaggerating…