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Posts tagged as “Keystone XL”

Obama’s Delay on Keystone XL Cowardly but Clever?

Republicans don't like President Barack Obama's long delay in making a decision about the Keystone XL pipeline. I don't like it, either: I wish he'd just tell TransCanada to shove their pipeline up their own backcountry. But could the President's…

Poetry for the Warpath Against Keystone XL

Keystone XL: Resist with all the love in your heart. Resist for the Badlands, the good land, all the land, our land, Our land only to give to our children and their children. Love, love, resist with love. Resist with…

Mitchell Paper Surrenders to Imperfect Keystone XL

The Mitchell Daily Republic almost gets the Keystone XL pipeline. In this morning's editorial, the paper acknowledges that burning Canadian tar sands oil makes a messier planet. They admit the jobs created by the pipeline number only 2,000 and will…

Oglala Sioux Tribe Supports White Plume Documentary Work

..and the problem with that is... what? Pat Powers practices his Olympic logic triple jump to accuse the Oglala Sioux Tribe of (gasp!) exercising its First Amendment rights to educate and defend South Dakotans. Here are the leaps of logic…

Thune Threatens Debt Ceiling Brinkmanship for Keystone XL

Just when it looks like Washington is starting to work again with Congress passing a no-drama budget deal, Senator John Thune stinks up the joint with another threat to take the global economy hostage... just to free the Keystone XL…

TransCanada to Impose Gun Control in Labor Camps

What's it going to take to get more South Dakotans to oppose TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline? How about the fact that TransCanada supports gun control? Amidst discussion of ordinances to manage potential temporary labor camps (the word gulag springs unbidden…

Keystone XL Lowers Home Values, Raises Oil Prices

Why would South Dakotans want to let TransCanada run another tar sands pipeline through their backyard, when even a federal pipeline safety official says he wouldn't buy or build a house along the pipeline route? The official, Bill Lowery, is…