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Posts tagged as “Lake Area Improvement Corporation”

Census 2010: Madison Loses 1%, Brookings Gains 19%

The Rapid City Journal offers an interactive map of the newly released Census 2010 data for South Dakota. Our fair state's population grew 7.9% over the past decade, to 814,180. Unfortunately, Lake County didn't share in that growth: our official…

Merry Pink Slip! Local Jobs Disappear for Christmas

The December job numbers for Lake County and neighbors brought little holiday cheer. The following table shows job numbers for each county for December, 2010, followed by the monthly and yearly change for each county: County Period Workers Jobs Unemployed…

Madison Approves LAIC Loan Extension

Does anyone ever tell the LAIC no? Commissioner Nick Abraham does. Last night, after finally ironing out the "clerical errors" (like neglecting specify how much the LAIC would pay each month), the city commission approved giving the LAIC more time…

Lake County Unemployment Rises: 13 Months to Create 850 Jobs

That darned Madison Daily Leader beat me to the local unemployment numbers for November! According to the South Dakota Department of Labor, Lake County saw unemployment rise in the run-up to the holidays, from 4.6% in October to 5.0% in…

LAIC Wants More Time to Pay Off Tech Center

Included on Monday night's Madison City Commission agenda is a request from the Lake Area Improvement Corporation to give us taxpayers our money back more slowly. In a memo to the commission, the LAIC asks for an extension of the…

Save Big (Local Economic Development) Money at Menards…

Speaking of "reasons to go out of town for almost everything"... Construction proceeds on new Secure Banking Solutions building, Schaefer Plaza, Madison, SD, 2010.12.06 Some hardy fellows were out in yesterday's cold working on the new Secure Banking Solutions building…

Memo to LAIC: Update Physical and Virtual Main Street Storefronts

My wife and I lament the pitiable state of many building façades in downtown Madison. Too many of the storefronts have tacked up tacky plastic and metal signs over The Lake Area Improvement Corporation mostly ignores downtown. They briefly touted,…