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Posts tagged as “language”

Fear-Based Marketing Sullies National Day of Prayer

Ed Randazzo reminds me that Cinco de Mayo is also National Day of Prayer. The 7th U.S. Circuit recently threw out a lawsuit against the Presidentially proclaimed event, saying Americans who feel alienated by violations of the separation of church…

Sinai Makes Maddow with Pronunciation

Sinai makes the national news! Well, sort of. Rachel Maddow, whom I don't watch (three channels here at Lake Herman, all PBS) but hear about from eager readers, opened her blog floor to discussion of odd toponym pronunciations. Naturally, folks…

Noem Imposting New Vocabulary on Twitter Followers

Congresswoman Kristi Noem isn't content with making up facts; now she's making up words: Fact: requiring oil companies to follow rules isn't a moratorium on drilling any more than requiring you to buy auto insurance is a moratorium on driving.…

Spelling? Check! Grammar… Hunter Teases Us

Our man Hunter must be pulling our leg. An eager reader notes that MDL's Tuesday editorial on the recent spelling bee and the state of the mother tongue includes this passage (as usual, I quote verbatim): We don't think using…

Prii! Rome Resurgent with Prius Properly Pluralized

The Latin wisdom of crowds prevails... barely! Toyota hosted an online poll to ask people what they think the plural of Prius should be. By a narrow one-point plurality, respondents chose the Latin form Prii. Toyota says that is the…

Governor Daugaard’s Paradigm: Permanent Cuts, Passing the Buck

As I listen and re-listen to the highlights of Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget address, I hear some important sentences that tell us a lot about the governor's budgetary and political paradigm. There's an odd combination of not passing the buck…

Thune Predicts “Rifle Shots” at Health Care Law

Tone-deaf political comment of the day comes from Senator John Thune, who delivered the keynote address at the LAIC's dog-and-phony show here today in Madison. Discussing dim prospects for repeal of health care reform, Senator Thune said, Absent repealing it…