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Posts tagged as “Larry Rhoden”

Vote Now in Madville Times Christmas GOP Senate Poll!

I polled the GOP Senate race in July; with Jason Ravnsborg offering his Christmas surprise to shake up the race, it's time to stick the thermometer in the online electorate again. If the primary were today, who'd get your vote…

Rhoden Proposes Lobbying Ban; Rounds Worries about Paychecks

In his five-point plan to reform Washington D.C., GOP Senate candidate Larry Rhoden proposes banning former members of Congress from lobbying. Such a ban would have denied both Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and John Thune their first out-House paychecks. Larry Pressler…

Larry Rhoden Gets Some Support in Huron

You know the Senate campaign is tiring when... And here I thought Stace Nelson would be the first Senate candidate to have his knees give out and need a walker.

Rounds AWOL at Two GOP Public Forums This Week

U.S. Senate candidate M. Michael Rounds has skipped two public forums in three days. Custer Republicans invited their party's four U.S. Senate candidates to a public forum Monday evening. State Rep. Stace Nelson and State Senator Larry Rhoden showed up.…

GOP Chair Now Picking Rhoden over Rounds; Broins Not

Oh yeah: state Senator Larry Rhoden's running to bore us to death—er, I mean, not finish last in South Dakota's GOP Senate primary. His third-quarter FEC filing produces a couple interesting notes: GOP Chair Craig Lawrence is making clear whom…

Beef Potpourri: Johnson vs. Rhoden, Beef Check-Off, Supply for NBP

I wander through the pasture this morning and throw together some beef potpourri (hey, there's a market expander the Beef Board should promote: bottled fragrances to bring the satisfying smell of beef to your house all day long!): Depends on…