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Posts tagged as “leadership”

Daugaard Letting Political Capital Go to Waste

Jonathan Ellis comes to the same conclusion I offered after the budget address two months ago:—with his vanilla budget, Governor Dennis Daugaard is letting his enormous political capital go stale: Dennis Daugaard won a crushing victory in November. By a…

Lowe Says Proven Leadership Makes Weiland Right Man for Senate

While old cronies and loons like Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum slouch into our state to save Mike Rounds's floundering campaign, Rick Weiland gets the endorsement of a straight-up South Dakotan, former gubernatorial candidate and state fire chief Joe Lowe:…

What Do Tom and Stephanie Owe the Democrats? Who Leads the SDDP?

Republican John Tsitrian digs America's two-party system. He thinks three or more parties make a paralyzing muddle, but he thinks one-party rule is even worse. Tsitrian thinks South Dakota labors under harmful one-party rule. He blames, in part, the abdicant…