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Posts tagged as “Madison”

Snowgates Demonstrate Practical Wisdom of Public Services

Mr. Ehrisman's passionate advocacy of snowgates and our weekend winter wonderland got me wondering why Madison's public works department doesn't use snowgates. My dad, a font of local wisdom, tells me that Madison once upon a time did install snowgates.…

New Gyms Sprout in Smaller Schools

The Madison Central School District may face some challenges justifying building a new gym when it is faced with the prospect of making up a 5% cut in state aid to education. Asking local voters to make up another $275K…

Slaughter and 211th Comrades on SDPB Now

Right now: South Dakota Public Broadcasting is hosting a really interesting conversation with three soldiers from the 211th Engineer Company from Madison and DeSmet. Included in the conversation is Madison's own Austin Slaughter. The men are talking about their experience…

Randy Schaefer: SBS Project Using All Local Men and Material

You can't judge a building project's commitment to local economic development by its house wrap: landowner Randy Schaefer e-mails to say that the Menards house wrap on the Secure Banking Solutions building going up in his taxpayer-assisted commercial/residential development on…

Local Supers Cool to Rounds K-12 5% Cut

The Madison Daily Leader gets three of our local superintendents on the record about Governor Rounds's proposed 5% cut to state aid for K-12 education. They don't sound happy, but they aren't jumping off any grain elevators yet. They list…

Save Big (Local Economic Development) Money at Menards…

Speaking of "reasons to go out of town for almost everything"... Construction proceeds on new Secure Banking Solutions building, Schaefer Plaza, Madison, SD, 2010.12.06 Some hardy fellows were out in yesterday's cold working on the new Secure Banking Solutions building…

Memo to LAIC: Update Physical and Virtual Main Street Storefronts

My wife and I lament the pitiable state of many building façades in downtown Madison. Too many of the storefronts have tacked up tacky plastic and metal signs over The Lake Area Improvement Corporation mostly ignores downtown. They briefly touted,…

Noem Campaign Finance Notes: Congrats, President Mork!

The Federal Election Commission has updated itemized campaign finance reports up to September 30. Among the surprises on Kristi Noem's individual door report: Madison Dairy Queen owner DeLon Mork is listed as President of South Dakota State University. That's what…