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Posts tagged as “minimum wage”

Weiland Gets National Press for Smart Minimum Wage Politics

U.S. Senate candidate Rick Weiland gets in the New York Times for smart economic policy and politics. He tells the national audience about how backing an increase in the minimum wage can be a political plus even for a Democrat…

Democrats Collect 25,861 Signatures to Place Minimum Wage Hike on Ballot

And another Dem rides the bus... to Pierre, this morning, with over 25,000 signatures calling for a statewide vote on raising South Dakota's minimum wage! The South Dakota Democratic Party sends out a press release celebrating its apparently enormously successful…

Lake County Ladies Lead Minimum Wage Initiative Petition Signature Count

Kudos to Lake County Democrats Lorri May and Shirley Harrington-Moore! The county party announced on Facebook last night that these two ladies have collected the most signatures in the state for the minimum-wage initiative petition. Good hustle, Lorri and Shirley!…

Robinson Adds Terrorism to Reasons to Raise Minimum Wage

Corinna Robinson made her first public speech as a Democratic candidate for South Dakota's U.S. House seat last night in Beresford. I'm sure she said more than this, but that Sioux Falls paper runs just two sentences from her speech...…