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Posts tagged as “Mitt Romney”

Romney Must Wrestle with Mormon History of Violence and Racism

The redoutable Professor Newquist composes a weighty essay on the history of violence associated with Mormons and their erstwhile city-state of Nauvoo. His discussion of the "Banditti" and the Mormon Danite militia reveals one source of deep-seated cultural suspicion of…

“Becoming More Like Europe”: Romney Right-Pander, Good Policy Goal

Mitt Romney's campaign slogan, as repeated for the umpteenth time in last night's New Hampshire debate, is, "We're becoming more like Europe!" On so many fronts, one can only wish that were true. Former Madison, Wisconsin, mayor Dave Cieslewicz explains…

Thune: Romney Not Part of the One Percent?

Senator Thune, I don't mind that you're out stumping for Mitt Romney. Participating in the process is great, especially when you're not doing it just to get a vice-presidential nomination. You can endorse Romney, you can stump for Romney... but…

Poll: South Dakotans Back Paul, Gingrich, Bachmann

Results from a new Nielson Brothers poll show a whole bunch of contrarians among South Dakota voters. In a survey conducted December 6 through December 9, NBP finds that, among registered Republicans, the Gingrich surge has already given way to…

Thune Joins Camp Romney, Despite RomneyCare Criticism; Quid Pro Quo?

Shad Olson is an arrogant blowhard suffering from lexical hypertrophy. He also makes a point about Senator John Thune's shoulder-to-shoulder endorsement of Mitt Romney that has thus far escaped the somnolent sycophants at Dakota War College. Olson notes that two…

Thune Endorses Romney, Telling Conservatives to Get Serious

Senator John Thune, number four man (aspiring for number three!) on the GOP totem pole, is endorsing Mitt Romney. At least we now no for absolute certain that Thune isn't running. South Dakota Democratic Party chairman Ben Nesselhuf issues this…