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Posts tagged as “openness”

Noem Aberdeen Office Open One Morning Per Week

Some Aberdeen landlord is getting a pretty good deal. We taxpayers are paying rent on office space for Congresswoman Kristi Noem on Main Street (just a couple blocks from the Red Rooster! talk about location!). Yet the poor sap who…

Sioux Falls Hides Superintendent’s Five-Year Contract from Taxpayers

Sioux Falls isn't looking so shiny lately. Mayor Huether is making City Hall look more like the Führerhauptquartiere. And the Sioux Falls School District is making a joke of open records laws. Josh Verges reports that the Sioux Falls School…

City Commission Mistakes Policy Criticism for Personal Attacks

Madison resident and telecommuter extraordinaire Ashley Allen attended last night's Madison City Commission meeting to ask for some accountability in the public dollars handed out to the Lake Area Improvement Corporation. Allen raised a number of issues that call into…

GOP Shuns Town Halls Because Public Input Proves Them Wrong

There's more evidence that Rep. Kristi No-meeting's avoidance of the public this long August recess is part of a larger pattern of Republican behavior. House Republicans desperately want to avoid the negative media imagery of angry town hall crowds, whether…

Where Are Tim, John, and Kristi? Report Your Sightings!

Senator Tim Johnson takes a little heat from the Aberdeen American News for telling the press not to publicize his visit to Aberdeen yesterday. I agree: Tim, you don't make my job easy when you create any appearance of keeping…

Kristi Noem Copies Paul Ryan, Hides from Constituents

Congresswoman Kristi Noemeetings is evidently taking her cues from Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin. The man who proposed the Medicare-destroying budget Kristi loves is holding no public town hall meetings during the August recess. Worse, according to Politico, Ryan and…

South Dakota Dems Offer Free Pancakes Thursday!

Go ahead, Tim Rave. Just try shouting "Food for Votes." I knew Kristi Noem would be good for blogging. She's also handing Democrats easy campaign fodder. In response to the Congresswoman's $500-pic-and-pancake Minnehaha Country Club fundraiser with Speaker John Boehner,…