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Posts tagged as “participation”

SD Democrats Launch Ballot Measure to Raise Minimum Wage to $8.50

Want a vote? Want a raise? Vote Democratic! Once again the South Dakota Democratic Party is demonstrating its belief in workers and small-d democracy. This morning, Dems interim exec Zach Crago joined the South Dakota AFL-CIO and the Teamsters in…

Lake Herman Sewer Info Meeting Tonight: Got $6.5 Million Handy?

Not even 24 hours back in Lake County, and I'm already throwing a party! Well, that assumes you call showing slides and fielding questions about sewer systems a party (and who wouldn't?) The Lake Herman Sanitary District invites everyone to…

Participatory Budgeting Related to Better Roads, Fewer Traffic Fatalities

New research show that inviting citizens to participate early in crafting their governments' budgets doesn't just live up to our democratic ideals; it saves lives: Hai Guo, a professor of public budgeting and finance at Florida International University, set out…

Steele, Hubbel Hate Chamber of Commerce, Degrade Minnehaha GOP

And now in the local Tea Party irrelevance department, the Minnehaha County Republican Party shows its need for a coup by declaring the Chamber of Commerce a den of liberal iniquity. Rep. Manny Steele (R-12/Sioux Falls) and Minnehaha County GOP…