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Posts tagged as “participation”

Daugaard Ed Bomb Hits Senate Cmte Thursday; Contact Gang of Six Now!

...and while you're at it, call the Gang of Four, too! Get the Gang's attention: sign and share this online petition today! Real reporter David Montgomery reports that HB 1234, Governor Dennis Daugaard's train-wreck package of education reforms, is scheduled…

Petition: Stop HB 1234, Convene Task Force on K-12 Education

South Dakota's schools deserve solutions that work. Sign this petition to tell Governor Daugaard to take time to find the right solutions. Governor Dennis Daugaard insists that South Dakota's schools are failing, even though neither he nor anyone else has…

Public Officials Losing Fear of Blogs? Let’s Hope So!

Some public officials shun and denigrate blogs and other social media. Some of these blog-wary officials may simply be unfamiliar with the technology; others (like, I speculate, members of the Madison Central School District board and administration) are stung by…

Top Madville Times Stories of 2011: Readers’ Choice!

The Madville Times now has one full year under its belt with the new domain and the new WordPress template. No hackers, no server disasters... and lots of reader participation! As I riffle through my stats, I find over 11,000…