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Posts tagged as “politics”

Democrat’s New Year’s Resolution: Be Good Pepperoni

My Madison blog neighbor Dakota Diner usually keeps her blogging close the kitchen. But a bad bowl game and bad pepperoni rolls occasioned this seasoned political observation: Alas here on the eastern prairie of South Dakota, authentic pepperoni is harder…

Herseth Sandlin Defends Blue Dog Record; Whither the Base?

Doug Wiken was right: in her "exit interview" with Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour last night, Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin did not mention losing her Democrat base with her Blue Dog politics as a factor in her defeat in November.…

What Is Your Fair Share of Wealth and Taxes?

Dr. Blanchard tasks me as usual. He presents the following chart as evidence that the wealthy pay "way more" than their fair share of federal income taxes: On its own, the graphic is compelling. The top 1% collect 18% of…

Madville Times Top Stories of 2010: What Readers Said!

There are many ways to determine an annual "Top Stories List." In the blogosphere, one useful measure is the amount of conversation provoked by a story. So here's my list of the this year's big conversation starters, as measured by…

Obama Enacts Medicare Coverage for End-of-Life Counseling

One more Christmas present: we got our death panels! Or at least that's what the Palindrones (you know, the Teabags whose repetitious big lies sound as shrill and meaningless played forward or backwards) will be saying as soon as they…

Branstad to Waste Time Monthly with Teabags

Glenn Beck exhorts his little 9-12 clubs to shout "We surround them!" In Iowa, once a month, the Glenn Beck clubs will get to shout, "We surround the governor!" WingNUTT Mike Studer of the Spencer Tea Party reports that Governor-Elect…

Ohio Loses Two Seats: Kucinich Unbound?

The Congressional redistricting that will arise from the 2010 Census won't help Dems, but I figured that, since South Dakota's already as low as it can go in House representation, there's not much to get excited about. Then one of…

Lange: SD Can Learn from Minn. Statesmanship, ND Criminal Justice

Last week I noted the difference in fiscal politics between Minnesota and South Dakota. That essay arose from a conversation with my neighbor and outgoing state legislator Gerry Lange. In the following guest column, he exapnds the view to include…