Right-wing politician and blogger Gordon Howie is up to something. He's opening a new base of operations in the hinterlands east of Rapid City, overlooking the Rapid Creek floodplain. Howie has built a new studio so he and Ed Randazzo…
Posts tagged as “Rapid City”
Public votes always get a cheer from this small-d democrat. The latest outbreak of direct democracy happens in Rapid City, where petitioners say they have gathered over 2,700 signatures, nearly 700 more than necessary, to put the city's financing of…
Oh, fuss and feathers! We got all hot and bothered here on the blog about the Rapid City Police Department's denial of a permit to American Indian activists who want to stage a protest against police brutality during the Lakota…
Uh oh, Chief—looks like we got a case of speaking while Indian. Cody Hall, Anthony Bordeaux, and other American Indian activists want to hold a march against police brutality in Rapid City Friday in conjunction with the Lakota Nation Invitational,…
Rapid City—Land of Climatological Adventure! So says Nate Silver, who now that the election is over has time to crunch meteorological data to determine what parts of the United States have the most unpredictable weather. Silver and FiveThirtyEight.com colleague Reuben…
The District 33 Senate race should not even be close. Sane, civil, and compassionate Robin Page should be beating the paranoid, xenophobic, and Klannish Republican Senator Phil Jensen by a Daugaard–Hubbel or Jackley-Haber margin. But factor in the power of…
The push to get out the Indian vote continues: Rock the Lakota Vote comes to Sinte Gleska University in Mission next Saturday afternoon, November 1, Little Wound School in Kyle next Saturday evening, and United Tribes Technical College in Rapid…
Here's one sign that Democrat Robin Page may beat Phil Jensen out of his District 33 Senate seat: This photo comes from one block west of Pennington County Republican headquarters on West Main Street in Rapid City. We see the…