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Posts tagged as “Rick Perry”

Noem Wants More of Perry’s Ineffective Border Militarization

Further demonstrating what passes for a Congresswoman in South Dakota, Rep. Kristi Noem tells Fox News that she supports Texas Governor Rick Perry's plan to send National Guard troops to the U.S.–Mexico border to... hmm... to do what, again? See…

Rick Perry Double Dips with Early Retirement

Remember the grousing around Lake County back around the beginning of 2010 when school superintendents at Madison and Chester resigned, then got rehired so they could start collecting retirement benefits while still taking their salaries before the Legislature nixed that…

Poll: South Dakotans Back Paul, Gingrich, Bachmann

Results from a new Nielson Brothers poll show a whole bunch of contrarians among South Dakota voters. In a survey conducted December 6 through December 9, NBP finds that, among registered Republicans, the Gingrich surge has already given way to…

Rick Perry Preaches Anti-Gay Theocracy

Holy cowpies! Tell me Rick Perry isn't spouting theocracy... and homophobia... and sheer baloney. Kids can't openly celebrate Christmas? Obama's war on religion? America isn't strong, and needs to be made strong again? I missed all three of those memos.…

Perry Brain Keeps Farting; Romney Bound for Big Iowa Win

A certain member of my household needed to reload on Bob the Builder and frog DVDs, so I missed tonight's GOP presidential candidates' pageant. I thus missed the end of the Rick Perry campaign: Rick Perry: I will tell…

Social Security No Ponzi Scheme; Rick Perry Monstrous Liar

Presidential candidate Rick Perry calls Social Security a Ponzi scheme. By deeming Social Security a "monstrous lie," the Texas governor follows the same anti-government propaganda tactics of some local bloggers who shout about some "pernicious lie," hoping to undermine our…

What, Me Worry? About Rick Perry? Why Not?

Troy Jones says criticism of Rick Perry shows that we liberals are afraid of the Texas governor now focusing on answering God's call to run for President. Evidently the proper response from liberals to conservative candidates is to quietly accept…