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Posts tagged as “rural”

Obama Creates Rural Economic Development Council

Governor Daugaard may be working on his "small-town specialists" plan side by side with the White House. On Thursday, June 9, President Obama created the White House Rural Council: The White House Rural Council will coordinate programs across government to…

How to Engage Young Citizens in Conversation and Community Development

Mike Knutson at the Rural Learning Center reads's really good "Rural Minnesota: A Generation at the Crossroads" project and emphasizes the need for rural leaders to figure out what young adults are thinking: I hope that the articles inspire…

Strong Agribusiness Not Necessarily Good for Small Towns

Joe O'Sullivan at The Post reads The Rural Blog and learns that high crop prices and booming land values don't promise a revitalization of small farm towns. Big farms are "decoupling" from the local economy, skipping local middlemen and denying…

Education Potpourri: Jobs, Yankton Opt-Out, Rural College Culture

Education notes from around South Dakota: The kids at Sioux Falls Roosevelt obviously read the newspaper: the last three members of Roosevelt's Future Teachers Club are graduating, and no underclassmen are stepping up to join. Maybe we can all just…

Mechanized Ag-Industry Hinders Small-Town Recovery

If you've already read Wendell Berry's The Unsettling of America, you already know everything I'm about to say... and much more. Fellow small-towner Michael Woodring shares Dr. Brown's pessimism about Governor Daugaard's small-town economic development plans: The railroads (the reason…

Governor Promotes Small-Town Economic Development; Economist Questions Viability

Governor Dennis Daugaard is getting around to the small-town economic development program he talked about during last year's campaign. At the Governor's Economic Development Conference Tuesday and Wednesday, Governor Daugaard and his economic development commissioner Pat Costello spoke of their…

South Dakota Population Growth Fastest in Midwest

The Census Bureau's "Population Distribution and Change: 2000 to 2010" brief offers some nummy numerical nuggets: South Dakota's 7.9% population growth during the first decade of this millennium was the highest growth rate among all Midwestern states. Minnesota had been…

Saving Sparse School Districts: The Nuclear Option

A West River correspondent with legislative experience says that the 2011 South Dakota Legislature passed some new rules that hurt schools in sparsely populated districts. I review this correspondent's list of sparse school districts in northwestern South Dakota and find…