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Posts tagged as “Russell Olson”

$8000 Bonus for New Math/Science Teachers? Wrong on Every Level

Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to demonstrate the absolute absence of principle or consistency in his education reforms. In the new "compromise" version of HB 1234 (wait: compromise? how is it compromise when the Governor keeps every one of his bad…

Flandreau Dentist Leslie Heinemann Declares for District 8 House

For the first time since 2008, District 8 Republicans have a nice Chamber of Commerce candidate to vote for in the race for State House. Flandreau dentist Leslie Heinemann has declared his candidacy for a District 8 House seat. In…

Russ Olson Calls Merit Bonus Criticism Uninformed “DC Politics”

Hey hey! The South Dakota Legislature is in full swing. That means it's time for Senator Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) to start saying lunkhead things. Today's edition: in response to businessman and Representative Bernie Hunhoff's (D-19/Yankton) stiff criticism of Governor Dennis…

Russell Olson Forms PAC; No One Notices

Bill Janklow made the news last week by closing his state campaign account and converting nearly $852,000 in old campaign donations to personal use. (Any of you old donors have a beef with that?) A month ago, another former South…

Pierre Raises Taxes on New Teachers

Cue the Dragnet theme: Have you seen this man? The state Division of Criminal Investigation soon will. I have happily gained employment as the new French teacher at Spearfish High School. However, gaining this employment requires that I submit fingerprints…