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Posts tagged as “state legislature”

District 8 Delegation Draw Committee Assignments

While I wait for the really juicy bills to pop into the hopper in Pierre, I note with mild interest that our own freshwoman State Representative Patricia Stricherz (R-8/Winfred) has been assigned to two committees: Education and Health and Human…

Kraus: No Abortion Battle in 2011 Legislature?

The election of Republican supermajorities to the South Dakota Legislature, including anti-abortion crusaders Jenna Haggar and Pastor Steve Hickey, gives reasonable cause for expecting another abortion ban to crop up in the 2011 session. However, another leader in the abortion…

Legislature Posts First Proposed Bills of 2011

What's that under my tree? Christmas bills! Yahoo! Start your RSS engines: the first pieces of legislation to be proposed in the 2011 session of the South Dakota State Legislature are in the e-hopper. First in from the State House:…

Live-Blog: SDPB Offers Reaction from Legislators to Budget Address

Senator Jason Frerichs (D-Wilmot) opens politely by thanking the governor for his service. But then he goes right to saying that we need to ask people to pay to keep these services alive. Frerichs expresses his hope that Daugaard will…

Onward Christian Legislators… Against Usury!

On the off chance that our Republican state legislators get a little too excited about their supermajorities and go all theocratic on us, I hope they'll apply their Christian principles to South Dakota's usury industry. Perhaps all of our legislators…