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Posts tagged as “video”

KELO Takes Down Medicine Butte Tower

That left a divot: Watch out for those cables! KELO brought down its defunct broadcast tower on Medicine Butte north of Reliance yesterday. The takedown clearly went better than the Zip Feed Mill demolition in 2005.

Video: Spearfish Council Candidates Forum!

Here's the video from the city council of Wednesday's Spearfish candidates forum, held downtown at the Matthews Opera House (a lovely space that beats the pants off an old school lunch room for a public forum). Nine clips, 32:43 in…

Video: Spearfish Mayoral Candidates Forum!

Here's the full video from the mayoral half of tonight's Spearfish candidates forum, held in the stately Matthews Opera House. Eleven clips total, with challenger Dana Boke and Mayor Jerry Krambeck each making their best pitch for three years at…

Which Five Legislative Candidates Draw the Least YouTube Attention?

As I page through South Dakota Public Broadcasting's Legislative candidate videos, my usual underdog urge drives me to bring attention to the lesser among us. Specifically, I wondered which candidates are getting the least attention from their free two-minute pitches.…

Primary Day Shadow: NASA Video Captures Transit of Venus

A Facebook pal commented on the election results in Wisconsin. I replied that I hadn't even raised my periscope to look outside the South Dakota primary yet. I should have raised my telescope. Yesterday Venus passed directly between the Earth…