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Posts tagged as “water”

Noem Indicts Washington on Hearsay, Still Wants DC Cash

Kristi Noem speaks! That explains the smell.... South Dakota's lone Congresswoman spoke to someone other than Tea Partiers Monday, making an appearance at the Sioux Falls Rotary Club. Her newest stump lines declaring government is evil have to do with…

Noem Doesn’t Trust EPA; South Dakota Reaches for EPA Money

Ease up on the throttle, Kristi: This is probably the most anti-business, anti-farmer EPA we have ever had.... I don't trust them enough to take their word for anything [Rep. Kristi Noem, in Mike McGraw, "Air Rules Are Creating Dustup…

IP Slag Scoop: Deadwood Mining Debris Slides into Whitewood Creek

Credit Interested Party Larry Kurtz with this scoop: an old mining slag pile on the edge of Deadwood has collapsed into Whitewood Creek. Kurtz appears to have alerted local law enforcement and Game Fish and Parks officials about the slag…

Scientists: Replacing Fossil Fuels with Biofuels Far Off, Benefits in Doubt

The National Research Council has issued a report on the prospects for meeting our national biolfuels mandates over the next decade. The report, requested by Congress, is not optimistic: We still lack viable technology for large-scale cellulosic ethanol production. Scaling…

Hanson County Citizens Oppose 7000-Head CAFO

Lake County residents don't cotton to my criticism very well, but many of them seem willing to acquiesce to the unhealthy environmental and economic practices of Rick Millner as he seeks to expand the Ramona dairy his pals acquired for…

Franken Visits Tea, Advocates Water and Pork for South Dakota

If I weren't a teetotaller, I'd think I was drinking. Kristi Noem sounds just like Al Franken. Yesterday in Tea (irony abounds!), the junior senator from Minnesota said that it's just wrong, wrong, wrong that the federal government hasn't lived…

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Approves Dakota Grassland Conservation Area

Your turn, Congress! The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has approved a plan to create the Dakota Grassland Conservation Area, a really good idea that would protect nearly two million acres of land in the eastern Dakotas and protect landowner…