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Posts tagged as “wages”

Leola Superintendent: Teacher Pay Depends on State Funding

Rebuttal of the week to gubernatorial malarkey on K-12 education funding comes from Leola superintendent Brian Heupel, who offers this observation on Governor Dennis Daugaard's persistent shirking of responsibility for South Dakota's perennial barrel-bottom teacher pay: "The governor always says…

Belle Fourche Tackles Housing Market Failure with Governor’s Houses

The Belle Fourche Development Corporation recently won one of the state's fourteen workforce development grants with an affordable-housing plan that mirrors one proposed on the Madville Times seven years ago. The Belle Fourche housing plan also reveals a fundamental market…

Will Build Dakota Scholarship Pay Off? Sometimes! But…

The Build Dakota Scholarship program created by Governor Dennis Daugaard and billionaire T. Denny Sanford promises 300 vo-tech students a year a free two-year education in return for three years of work in South Dakota. KELO says vo-tech programs in…

Sioux Falls Paper Suggests Merit Pay as “Compromise” for Teacher Pay

...sure, compromise effective policy, compromise best practices, compromise our souls... I learn from Michael Larson that the meatheads at that Sioux Falls paper think that the "solution" to low teacher pay is for teachers to compromise and accept the worst…