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Posts published in April 2011

Minnehaha Dems Elect Officers: Chairman Speaks at Friday Dems Forum

Quick noon note about doings in Sioux Falls: my big-city Dem friends just elected new officers for the Minnehaha County Democratic Party. Leading the charge in 2012 will be... Chair: Darrell Solberg Vice chair: Amanda Mack Treasurer: Mike Rifen Secretary:…

Daugaard Increases Spending on Corporate Welfare

As South Dakota Democrats collect signatures to put Governor Dennis Daugaard's myopic and ineffective corpoate handouts to a public vote in 2012, Bob Mercer notes that the governor's math justifying the handouts is a little off: The Daugaard administration also…

Local Endorsement: Steven Kant Urges Vote for Heidelberger

The Madison Daily Leader declines to publish letters endorsing political candidates. Fortunately for civic discourse, I do not! Lake Madison denizen Steven Kant says Madison voters should put me on the school board: Cory's platform and vision for the District…

Budget Cuts Hurt SDPB & South Dakota Culture

South Dakota Public Broadcasting is making out worse than most in our state budget cuts. Schools "escaped" with 6.6% funding cuts; most other agencies are taking a 10% hit. SDPB, apparently having kicked someone's dog, gets a 16.6% haircut... which…

Technical Difficulties… and New Poll! Pick Your School Board!

Dear friends and neighbors, I apologize for my multimedia failure. I have just over a gigabyte of video from Tuesday's candidates' forum here in Madison that I desperately want to post for your civic education and entertainment. Last week I…

Landowners Call on President to Stop Keystone XL

Sure, the New York Times has come out in opposition to TransCanada's Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline, but what do those guys know? They don't live here. Let's ask some Great Plains neighbors what they think of piping some…

Watertown Newspaper Advocates Stone Tablets

Local newspapers dread the prospect of allowing school boards, county commissions, and other public entities to post their official notices and meeting minutes online. The Madison Daily Leader makes a few dollars every time it posts the occasional election announcement…

School Repairs, Bridges, Safety, and Priorities

(I'm still working on uploading video from last night's candidates' forum to the Madville Times YouTube channel. I'll post, embed, and comment on those videos as soon as the whole collection is up!) I'd like to connect two seemingly disparate…