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Posts published in August 2011

Hanson County Readers Get Double Dose of Dairy Blogging

The Madville Times made the Alexandria Herald two weeks in a row. My coverage of the state Water Management Board's approval of wells for a proposed 7000-head dairy in Hanson County was of sufficient interest to locals that the Herald…

Foodies Fan Charlie’s Pizza; Gov Loves Heidelberger; WaPo Notes Blog

Here's a handful of happy recognitions: Nathan Johnson has some of America's best pizza in his neighborhood. Food Network Magazine deems the the spicy meatball and sauerkraut pizza at Charlie's Pizza the best pizza in South Dakota. (See photo #41…

Madison Nips Tree-Trimmer License Rules in Bud; Whose Idea Was It?

Eager reader Rod Goeman scooped everyone with this first report on the failure of Madison's proposed tree-trimmer licensing ordinance: The First Reading on the tree trimmer ordinance failed due to lack of a second. Commissioner Nick Abraham brought the ordinance…

Brookings City Council Meets Wednesday to Discuss Liquor License Fees

The Brookings City Council is holding a special meeting Wednesday (tomorrow!) at 1 p.m. The only item on the agenda: "Discussion on full and restaurant liquor license fees." Brookings councilors issued two of three available liquor licenses last week to…

Thune, Noem, Johnson Raise Bogus Alarm over Federal Farm CDL Rule

South Dakota's Congressional delegation has a penchant for fighting rules that don't exist and may never exist. A couple years ago, Senator John Thune raised a stink over regulations on livestock methane emission, regulations that the EPA never proposed. Congresswoman…

Noem Staffer Taking Comment at Mitchell Perkins Thursday, 9:30 a.m.

Congresswoman Kristi Noem hasn't posted a new public event on her official web page since May 20. But when she gets done voting the way Speaker Boehner tells her today, perhaps South Dakota's lone Congresswoman will have some time to…

LAIC Claims “Vibrant” Growth… But Where?

If you thought the Lake Area Improvement Corporation's claim to have created 500 "potential" jobs was funny, put down your milk and read this: LAIC exec Dwaine Chapel provided the Lake County Commission with a letter dated June 12, 2011,…