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Posts published in December 2011

Rushing Keystone XL Decision Means No Pipeline

Hat tip to NWF's Jeremy Symons! Thursday's GOP debate in Sioux City gave Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann a chance to express their support for the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline. Wyoming Senator John Barrasso perpetuates the lie that…

Rep. Lust Not Talking about Ethics Violation Allegations

The Mitchell Daily Republic gives press to the serious allegations that the Republcian leadership in the South Dakota House of Representatives violated confidentiality rules of the Legislative Research Council in an effort to surveil and rein in some of its…

Save 3092 Lives a Year: Ban Cell-Phone Driving

The National Transportation Safety Board is calling for every state "to ban the non-emergency use of portable electronic devices for all drivers." National Highway Transportation Safety Administration data say that distraction-affected crashes kill 3,092 people each year, about a hundred…

Poll: South Dakotans Back Paul, Gingrich, Bachmann

Results from a new Nielson Brothers poll show a whole bunch of contrarians among South Dakota voters. In a survey conducted December 6 through December 9, NBP finds that, among registered Republicans, the Gingrich surge has already given way to…

ObamaCare Insures 2.5 Million More Young Adults

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has delivered more positive results. Nine months after enactment of the PPACA provision allowing young people to stay on their parents' insurance coverage until age 26, the percentage of adults age 19 to…

Masons Infiltrate South Dakota Education!

Steve Sibson all too often clutters my comment section with crackpottery about the vast Masonic conspiracy to rule the world. Much to the chagrin of other commenters who I think might enjoy a discussion of the real issues facing our…