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Stephanie Strong to Challenge Kristi Noem in GOP Primary? Yes, Please!

Last updated on 2012.11.29

Oh, please, let this be true: Gordon Howie's propaganda machine announces that his Black Hills right-wingers have found someone to mount a primary challenge against Rep. Kristi Noem. Ed Randazzo claims that Stephanie Strong, a Rapid City Republican, plans to run for Congress this year.

Howie's fake blogroll has aired frustration with Noem for months, including a November declaration following the supercommittee debacle that "Every incumbent must go." Noem has occasionally pandered to the Tea Party, but apparently not enough to overcome the frustration of those who want to burn down Washington and return to anarcho-theo-capitalism. Red Dog Republican Noem has frittered away an entire year in Congress pushing an ineffective and costly fairy dust bill, protecting big farm subsidies and the federal crop insurance handouts that keep her husband in business, rejecting Tea Party birtherism, cozying up to the D.C. establishment, and voting to raise everyone's taxes for Christmas.

Rep. Kristi Noem may have a chance to meet Ms. Strong this Saturday. Our Congresswoman is appearing at a town hall meeting Saturday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the School of Mines campus (Classroom Building, room 204... and seriously? you guys have a classroom building officially named "Classroom Building"? Get me my John Belushi College shirt!). The event is hosted by Mines as well as by South Dakota Citizens for Liberty and the South Dakota Tea Party Alliance, two radical fringe groups that split on unamicable terms in 2010 and hate each others's guts. Perhaps Ms. Strong can help Gordon Howie, Ed Randazzo, and Barb Lindberg make nice again and unite against their real enemy... Kristi Noem!

I always enjoy a good primary. But let me be clear: I will take great pleasure watching any right-wing challenge against our feckless Congresswoman. A primary challenge will require Rep. Noem to stand face-to-face with a candidate and take responsibility for her record months earlier than the general election will. And on the off chance that a Tea Party challenger can take Noem out (Delaware! Delaware!), Matt Varilek or Jeff Barth will see his stock triple in value. Be Strong, Republicans!

Update 2012.02.03 06:32 MST: Tom Lawrence gets on the horn and confirms that the 46-year-old Strong is collecting signatures.


  1. Bill Dithmer 2012.02.02

    Ed Randazzo, is a nationally syndicated author.I just saw this and had to ask. Who is Ed syndicated with? I cant find anywhere other then some local sites. Help me to understand

    The Blindman

  2. larry kurtz 2012.02.02

    Bill: you're at least as nationally syndicated as Ed is. His blindness is self-inflicted.

  3. Bill Dithmer 2012.02.02

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
    And no one can talk to a horse of course
    That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.

    Go right to the source and ask the horse
    He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.
    He's always on a steady course.
    Talk to Mr. Ed.

    People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day
    But Mister Ed will never speak unless he has something to say.

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
    And this one'll talk 'til his voice is hoarse.
    You never heard of a talking horse?

    Well listen to this.

    I am Mister Ed.

    Ed if you have read this and it bothers you start using this mantra and it will return you to a semi normal state of mind. ".08+1, .08+1, .08+1". Say it until it becomes one with you and you become one with it. It works for financial problems, problems with love, and politics. I heard that both Newt and President Clinton used it with great success.


    The Blindman

  4. Bill Dithmer 2012.02.02

    Larry you said "Bill: you’re at least as nationally syndicated as Ed is."

    Somehow I feel a little dirty because of that comparison.

    Remember sometimes blindness is just a state of mind.

    The Blindman

  5. Steve Sibson 2012.02.02

    Cory, your rhetoric on this post is so shallow.

  6. mike 2012.02.02

    This would be interesting if SHS was running also. It would create a bigger rift in a close race. Maybe the media will give her much attention though and make her known?

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