Marion Michael Rounds was surely not out sweating in the summer heat going door to door for votes. He was probably happy to see the media (including me) distracted by one illegitimate candidate's continuing self-immolation.
But then KSFY, bless their hearts, not only ignores the strip-mall theater but reminds us that Mike Rounds is far from in the clear if he dispatches Nelson and the others in the primary next week. They run not one but two stories that feature the two Independents waiting to beat Mike up all summer and fall.
In story #1, Gordon Howie forgets that he just hung an I in front of his name and states the obvious, that he's angling for the conservative Republican vote:
My voting record and life in and out of politics have demonstrated that I've supported the republican platform 100%. I think it's important for voters to have the opportunity to choose someone, particularly conservative republicans, who actually supports their platform [Gordon Howie, quoted in "A Closer Look at South Dakota's Senate Candidates," KSFY, 2014.05.27].
Larry Pressler seems to be doing a better job of shedding his Republican skin and slinking around in his new Indy suit:
I was a powerful senator for South Dakota and could be one for South Dakota. As an independent you can work with both sides.... I would join with other independents and we would be able to be an ingredient in the senate that works on both sides, in terms of reducing deficit and other issues that aren’t being decided because Washington is becoming childishly partisan [Larry Pressler, in "A Closer Look...," KSFY, 2014.05.27].
In a second report (two Senate race reports in one cycle?! Give that news director a raise!), the Senate candidates address the economy. Howie strikes the conservative pose again, saying banking regulations are gumming up the works. Pressler, however, gets out a couple bigger sticks and shows he's ready to give Rounds a whoopin' from both sides:
I think we need to have a proper business climate. We have to work on balancing the budget in Washington so our money is good for new businesses. We also need to have a system of civil rights in our state so that it's welcoming for everybody to come here and compete....
We're $17 trillion in debt in this country and it's one of the reasons I'm a little bit passionate on this race, and I'm a little bit hard-nosed. We've got career politicians in this race that are claiming they're fiscal conservatives like myself, but they've got a record of exploding state government and exploding spending here in South Dakota [Larry Pressler, in Paige Pearson, "Senate Candidates Talk Economy," KSFY, 2014.05.27].
On the one hand, Pressler makes clear he's not Howie, linking arms with the rainbow marchers who are ready to cheer the Rosenbrahns and friends when they overturn South Dakota's same-sex marriage ban, the bad-for-business discrimination that Mike Rounds supports. But then he grabs Stace Nelson's line and dings Mike Rounds for being a big spender who can't be trusted to reduce any debt.
Pressler can kick Rounds in both shins without Howie's help. But having Howie in the race riling the really hard right to tag-team with Pressler on the Nine-Million-Dollar Man will make it all the harder for Mike Rounds to figure out which way to run... and all the more fun for us to watch.
The cartoon is just about done. KSFY's choice of coverage Tuesday reminds us the real show is coming up.
Pressler is right: "We've got career politicians in this race that are claiming they're fiscal conservatives like myself[.]" Besides himself, I think he's referring to Rounds.
Pressler is the best of any of the candidates. Shows what a weak group we have running for such a important position.
With whom would Pressler caucus in your alternate universe?
Cory, these games might work. But, what if they don't? Who are you going to blame if Rounds does win? Don't tell me you will blame the voters? What I find really unsettling about all of this is that from your posts, you seem to just be gleeful in all this chicanery. See, I thought you would support your candidate, Mr. Weiland with a good, honest approach, but, instead you seem to have fallen into playing games like Pat Powers and enjoying it. The only sad thing about all of that, is does not reflect well and really wonder how you will take it if Weiland and your other candidate lose after what seems to me you revile in these games of splitting tickets. I just don't understand how that is psychologically healthy? Trust me, I once led myself to view the political scene this way and revile in the chaos, but, I found that in the end the only one that gets burned is the one who reviles in it, especially when the outcome is not what one expected. Nothing personal, I'm just a tad bit concerned.
There is a certain smugness about living surrounded by Democrats in blue states: i rather like it myself.
I have much manly admiration for you larry.
Corned beef at the Pantry in Santa Fe, grud: papas y frijoles con tortillas, verde y roja.
Mmm. I don't speak Mexican but I do like taters and gravy.
I know what you mean Larry. But, more than a smugness, for me it's a sense of freedom. Democrats are more willing to be self-critical, than the Republicans here. Stuff is openly talked about, both publicly and privately. It's fun! And safe.
My psyche's doing fine, G-Man. Howie and Pressler both have the ability to sustain and amplify critiques that might otherwise end on June 3. They can lay down fire that will sap Rounds's resources. Every dollar Rounds has to spend on Howie and Pressler is a dollar he doesn't spend on Weiland. That's a good thing.
Who will I blame if Rounds wins? Myself, for not campaigning harder for Rick, for not being more persuasive, for not turning this blog into a multi-million-dollar media juggernaut reaching every reader in South Dakota and every Democratic donor in the United States. :-)
It doesn't sound like honest persuasion to me. All this chicanery is dishonest manipulation. You really would not support Howie or Pressler nor would you want them to be your next Senator. But, you use them to go after another person you claim you don't want. If Howie or Pressler went after your candidate, Weiland, you would be raising cain about how bad they are. So, they are "good" when you need them. I've been down this road before and it is not "healthy." It's what we call "cynical politics." If your candidate can not effectively persuade the electorate and win on merit and debate alone, then, they are NOT a great candidate. If this chicanery is what it takes to put this Mr. Weiland in the Senate, then, I would question if he really is a great candidate or just a lemon who can't persuade the majority on his own merits.
Stephanie did not play these games and she won on her own merit. Steph was a great candidate. It seems to me Weiland is not.
Anyone who believes that Weiland won't enjoy the support of the national party after the primary is an idiot.
Larry, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what the DNC wants it only matters what the voters of South Dakota want and if Mr. Weiland is not a great candidate, then the DNC can spend all the money they want and watch it go down the drain.
...all that money and chicanery spinning around and flushing down the toilet...swooosssshhhh....
I just found out on Facebook today, that a Democrat-Leaning friend is supporting Mike Rounds in the US Senate Race. The polls have also confirmed what I said 2 weeks ago on the Madville Times: Rounds is way ahead and you guys have been playing these games for months. Rounds is 10-14% ahead of Weiland and I envision that will be what happens election day. Weiland will maintain 35 - 39% at best in the vote. Hell, even the Oregon US Senate Race is closer than that with only 8 - 10 % separating Merkley from Wehby. Cover Oregon is going to be a HUGE factor in this election.
We need to talk to your Democratic friend. We will over the next five months... which is an awfully long time, during which Weiland can eat up that 14% and come back for seconds.
Cory, I think the games and drama your side is attempting to create is leading to why my Democrat-Leaning friend wants nothing to do with Weiland. Weiland has not effectively persuaded enough South Dakota voters to support him. You have to have a GREAT candidate who can HONESTLY persuade voters. Anything else is a "cynical" attempt at winning this race and I highly doubt it will have the outcome you are looking for. Stephanie did not have to create drama on the other side to win her races.
My side is not attempting to create drama. Howie and Pressler jumped into the ring on their own. I'm happy to observe the potential impacts of their entry and point out the obvious fact that they both will peel away more votes from Rounds than from Weiland. I'd point that out no matter what Democrat we had at the top of our ticket. Your friend is rationalizing and assigning blame where it should not be assigned.