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Posts published in July 2014

The Schlekeway Precedent: Why Bosworth Loses Her Best Defense…

...and becomes a state legislator? Aberdeen attorney Brandon Taliaferro did a good job of keeping his compulsively vocal new client Annette Bosworth quiet at her arraignment last Monday. Now if Taliaferro could just get that memo to the spokesman to…

When Does Life Begin? Before Conception, Says Howie

I had no idea that Gordon Howie would post our Liberty Today conversation about personhood and abortion the same day that I would post about Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's veto of a 72-hour abortion waiting period. But there it is!…

Borofsky: BIS Dean and Assistant Dean Removed Because Change! Hierarchy!

Last week, 34 Dakota State University students and alumni issued an open letter protesting DSU president David Borofsky's decision to remove professors Tom Halverson and Wayne Pauli from their leadership roles in the College of Business and Information Systems and…

13 States Raise Minimum Wage; 12 See Job Growth

Thanks to the South Dakota Democratic Party, we have the opportunity to vote for an economic stimulus package in November. When you vote to raise the minimum wage, you will not be voting to sandbag the economy. Quite to the…