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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Aberdeen EcDev Boss: Good Teachers for Immigrants Key to Workforce Growth

Aberdeen Development Corporation CEO Mike Bockorny briefed the Brown County Commission this morning on his organization's current aims. Bockorny, who took the ADC reins last August. Bockorny upheld the conventional wisdom that they greatest obstacle to economic development in South…

South Dakota Loses Farms, Pays Hired Hands Well

Chuck Clement reads the USDA's latest report on Farms and Land in Farms and finds South Dakota lost 300 farms last year. That's a return to the long-term trend that South Dakota was briefly bucking: fewer farms, bigger operations. 37…

Noem Offers More Definite Political Signal than Johnson

Brendan Johnson, alas, is changing jobs. Kristi Noem, alas, is not. Tony Mangan at KCCR runs two stories of nearly identical and minimal news value on the non-intentions of U.S. Attorney, soon-to-be-just-Citizen Johnson and Congresswoman Noem to run for the…