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Posts published in “South Dakota”

South Dakota, Abortion Laws, and Other Shoes

Good lawmaking requires the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes. John Rawls changed the metaphor a bit, saying we need to make laws as if we didn't know whose shoes we'd be wearing (he calls his concept the…

Noem Cancels Madison Visit, Goes to Aberdeen

Was it something I said? KJAM reports Congresswoman Kristi Noem canceled a visit to Madison, where she was going to talk flooding with local officials. Nertz! She could have come to our county water quality committee meeting tonight, where I'm…

South Dakota Income Grows 1.5%, Still Recovering from Recession

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has tallied personal income by state for 2010. The good news: everybody got richer! Well, every state did. After a really rotten 2009, which brought a 1.7% drop, states saw personal income grow in 2010…

School Funding Cuts Ruled Unconstitutional… in New Jersey

A judge in New Jersey has ruled that Governor Chris Christie's deep cuts in state aid to education this year are unconstitutional. According to Judge Peter Doyne, cutting state aid $800 million, to $10 billion, fails to maintain and support…

ACLU Joins Planned Parenthood to Overturn New SD Abortion Restrictions

Following Governor Dennis Daugaard's signing of HB 1217, the American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota has announced it will join Planned Parenthood in suing to overturn this egregious violation of women's medical privacy and their access to a legal…

Allen Unruh Flogs HB 1217 with Triple Truth Twist

No, it's not ice cream: it's propaganda from Allen Unruh. The Tea Party chiropractor takes to the opinion page of that Sioux Falls paper to make his own last-ditch pitch for Governor Daugaard to sign House Bill 1217, his cronies'…

Sioux Valley Installs 4400 Smart Meters, More to Come

My Sioux Valley Energy March newsletter comes to me... slowly. Their fancy page-turning animation is cute, but it uses so much bandwidth that those of us reading on Sioux Valley's rural wireless Internet must wait a frustratingly long time to…