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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Sales Tax Changes: How They Affect Your Pocketbook

The Legislature is considering numerous bills on our state sales tax. The House Taxation Committee has already killed HB 1131, which would have repealed the tax on food and replaced that revenue by tacking another 0.35% tax on everything else.…

Frankenfeld: Daugaard Budget Cuts Could Nuke 9000 Jobs

Governor Daugaard staunchly opposes raising taxes to solve South Dakota's budget deficit: I... believe that the worse [sic] time to raise taxes is when you're trying to climb out of a recession. I think that will have every bit of…

DENR Posts Lake Level Database Online

Why yes, Secretary Pirner, that is pretty cool! The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has plugged its recent historical database of South Dakota lake levels into an online interactive map. You can now click on your favorite lake and…

Riverview Offers to Buy Veblen Dairies

Court May Finalize Deal Friday, January 28 Megadairy operator Riverview has made an offer to take the bankrupt Veblen dairies off financier AgStar's hands. According to motions filed yesterday by bankruptcy trustees Lee Ann Pierce (Veblen East, Case 10-10146, Document…

Four Bills Tackle Legislative Redistricting

South Dakota will recarve its Legislative districts this year. Four bills before the Legislature seek to change that process. House Bill 1075 would require that any district spanning five or more counties be divided into two single-member districts. We currently…

SB 79: Munsterman Wants LEAN Government

Dennis Daugaard is viewed by some as a CEO-style governor. But the man who came in second to Daugaard in last year's GOP primary, Scott Munsterman, is also in Pierre making some managerial noises. Back-cracker, former mayor, and now State…

South Dakota Can Seek Economic Boost from Data Storage

As I consider the Madison Chamber's ambitious goal to boost sales more than 50%, and as I read the I-29 Corridor regional development stategy, I find an article that suggests a route for industrial recruitment that could support both local…

Russell Olson’s Chamber Goal: Increase Madison Sales 58%

According to the Madison Chamber of Commerce Janaury newsletter, Senator Russell Olson has joined the Chamber board. Olson says his goals while serving on the board are to increase membership and retention and to "have Madison's sales tax revenue grow…